
Welcome to the website of St. John’s United Church of Christ! We are an old church – we have been in Minier, Illinois since 1871.  But, we are not an old congregation – we are a church who values and welcomes everyone – from the new babies to those in their 90s.

Join us for Sunday Service or our many events posted on our Facebook page.

About Us

St. John’s United Church of Christ, Minier, Illinois, is a wondrous mix of folks from a variety of religious backgrounds that come together to worship and celebrate their creator God. Each Sunday morning, we gather for worship at 10:15 a.m. Here we have an opportunity to listen to the Good News through the reading of the Holy Scripture, which tells of God’s relationship with God’s people from the beginning of creation. We also sing God’s praises with old and new hymns and choral anthems, plus taking time to turn to God in prayer and then listening as God speaks afresh to us. But St. John’s is more than simply Sunday morning worship; it is Christian Learning Center (CLC) for the younger children during worship; it is Sunday School classes for the children, youth and adults; it is youth programming and activities; it is weekly or monthly meals for the church family and the community; it is being a part of Minier’s monthly food bank program; it is a space for church and community meetings, funeral visitations and dinners– gatherings of all kinds. St. John’s strives to be a place where any and all feel welcome in whatever setting they choose to participate. Yes, we seek to live up to the words that echo throughout our United Church of Christ family.

“No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here.”